Inspired by natural movements: the flowing of all things dynamic, the growing of all things alive, gathering and spreading of the elements, my designs aim to regain our connection to all the beauty around us. It has been an empowering journey sketching and capturing the extraordinary splendor of nature on paper, and channeling that energy into a jewelry line that’s organic, naturally imperfect and alive.

To me how the pieces will be made is as crucial as the concept itself. Although trained in modern designing and jewelry making techniques including CAD and 3D printing, I found my true calling in the art of ancient jewelry making. When I was studying as an apprentice at Jewelry Arts Institute with master jeweler Jeanette Caines, I immersed myself into the ancient artistry of forging, granulation, filigree, chain weaving and lost wax casting. All of these techniques bring human touch as well as character, therefore are perfect for the collection. Employing these fabrication processes, each item was worked on as a sculpture to capture the wonder of nature and its mesmerizing phenomena, with the added beauty of taking techniques from thousands of years ago and making them not only survive but thrive in our day and time.

Where each of my designs was made is also very important to me. By working at my bench to hand craft a piece from start to finish, I make sure that the designing process doesn’t end when I finish a drawing. On the contrary, it starts with the drawing and evolves with the organic process of making something by hand. There’s simple poetry in alloying gold, fabricating sheet and wire, creating forms and setting stones, as each step leaves marks of the maker. And during these steps, the piece takes on a life and personality of its own that cannot be mass produced. No two pieces in the line will be the same. It is naturally imperfect and unique like the creator behind it and the person wearing it.